i’m gonna say this and i need it to be clear that i don’t mean this to be a racial slur at all. i just saw a comment on the new pierce the veil video Bulls In The Bronx that PTV is starting to sound like it could be called “Mexicore”.
this has absolutely been my favorite aspect of PTV. perfectly balanced with brutal lyrics, airtight musicianship, and vic fuentes’ amazing boy band voice are the constant and consistently strong nods to vic and brother mike fuentes’ hispanic heritage. i love it. i know their dad is a classical guitarist, and having both his sons pay homage to that and to their cultural background must be powerful.
here’s the new vid. i don’t think it’s as good as King For A Day, but that song is so strong it’s honestly going to be hard to top. i already preordered the album. you should do the same.
…… edit: if you’re listening to the leaked version on youtube, fine, it’s already been done. but at least BUY the album. BUY IT.