somebody has got to appreciate my phone background.
i know the devil wears prada is a band that strives to not be in the way of their message, but mikey hranica is definitely someone i truly look up to. from the way he writes and sings to the way he and the rest of the prada boys are certain, confident, even, in what they believe in every way they believe it, they are some real heroes of mine.
they also write sick music. it is my firm belief that for most genres, especially those dependent on lyrics, christians should be at the forefront of the respective style. it’s pretty true for metal, post-hardcore, screamo, rock, and pop rock/pop punk. fellas like prada aren’t the only ones. demon hunter, underoath, august burns red, switchfoot, and relientk are all bands that are almost undeniably at the front lines of their genres. these are truly talented brothers with truly divine gifts. maybe one day i’ll join the ranks.
i say this all the time. kids need more role models. we need more role models. i need more role models.
edit: this smile he’s cheesin out with is definitely my signature smile. and i’m missing part of the same tooth. coincidence?