in light of my recent-ish breakup i guess this isn’t the healthiest song to listen to, but sometimes i just need A Day To Remember’s fiery angry songs and jeremy mckinnon’s huffy bear growl to get through a tough night.
ADTR was, along with Four Year Strong, my gateway drug to “popcore” or “easycore” or whatever you want to call it. in my book, it’s any amount of metal influence in pop music. FYS of old was on the lighter side, incorporating mostly breakdowns, double bass drum fills and the occasional scream, while ADTR sometimes goes full out screaming verses into catchy hooks, choruses, and bridges. either way, it’s an amazingly enticing genre, and one i hope to emulate in worship music soon.
but enough rambling. if you haven’t seen it, the mini-movie for 2nd Sucks is here:
[song starts at about 2:37]…. FIGHT!
freakin rage-fueled. RAGING. i am clearly still amazingly bitter about a lot of things from that relationship. it’s a work in progress, i guess.
—-edit. if you haven’t seen this or haven’t seen it in a while like me…. FEAST. i love when mike [hranica] and jeremy just go AT IT haha. overall i just love this song.
the breakdown with the kids crabbing out with the instruments…priceless.