band i’m absolutely floored to hear is dropping a new album in a few weeks: @mewithoutYou.
if you’ve never laid ears on a mewithoutYou track, it’s hard for me to say where to begin. claiming that the pennsylvanian four piece is a treasure whose work touches nearly every genre is somehow still an understatement. i can’t count the times i’ve said the only lyricist in modern music capable of going toe to toe with mwY frontman aaron weiss is brand new frontman jesse lacey.
i’ll admit, i have most of their back albums, but i haven’t heard much of it prior to 2006’s Brother, Sister. for what it’s worth, brother sister is a freakshow of talent. it took me a while to get used to aaron’s singy-talky-mumbly warble, but once i looked past it i found myself immersed in a sea of imagery and perfectly written lyrics. i can’t overstate it. weiss’ lyrics are, literally, perfect. sandwiched between the mindbendingly beautiful opener, Messes of Men and the unforgettable closer In a Sweater Poorly Knit, this is an album brimming with lush imagery and powerful spiritual reflections.
the 2009 follow up, It’s All Crazy! It’s All False! It’s All a Dream! It’s Alright! was not quite so much of what I expected coming out of Brother, Sister, but it was incredible nonetheless. first single The Fox, the Crow and the Cookie came with a whimsical video about…well, a fox, a crow, and a cookie [link below]. the album isn’t all ups though, following up with a sobering account of david’s last days in The Angel of Death Came to David’s Room. other highlights included the penultimate The King Beetle On the Coconut Estate, which sounds a bit ridiculous but is equal parts beautiful and majestic. it’s, again, hard to put into a few words what mewithoutYou is like.
anyways. mewithoutYou is releasing their next album, Ten Stories, which will be available on may 15th. it looks like there is some sort of preorder deal you can look into, but i’ll wait ;]
til then, cheers.
oh yea. http://bit.ly/wk35IY