what is this i don’t even. @miikesnow has released a pair of pretty…interesting videos for new tracks on the forthcoming album, Happy to You.
i honestly have no idea what i just watched. something about perfect human, something about children and shirtless men with large noses being characterized as perfect. i still don’t…i don’t even know. i’m kind of creeped out.
miike snow is a swedish indie pop kinda band that has put out some highly entertaining songs, especially on their previous LP, self titled Miike Snow. it’s pretty chill and easy to listen to, and i’ll be the first to admit getting carried away from worrying about finals when i used it as study music.
most of their songs are laid back, pop and dance beats with soothing vocals and interesting instrumentation/arrangement. it’s hard for me to explain. i’ll let these two new videos do the talking.
of the two, i prefer the first as a song, but honestly i’m just a little too creeped out by both videos to really like anything.
you be the judge.
miike snow | paddling out
miike snow | the wave
tell me what you think.